Major Folk Music/Song of Madhya Pradesh
Major Folk Music/Song of Madhya Pradesh Music from Madhya Pradesh includes rural folk and tribal music, ceremonial and ritual music, and Indian classical music . Unlike in many parts of India, the people of Madhya Pradesh place few restrictions on who can sing which songs. With the exception of some ritualistic works, people sing songs from across ethnic and racial boundaries. The various traditional folk singing styles are prevalent in the four regions of Madhya Pradesh - Nimad, Malwa, Baghelkhand, and Bundelkhand. Folk Song Of Nimar Kalgi- Turra Songs The cultural color of Nimad, the traditional art form of Kalgi-Turra is still intact. There are two choirs in this art – one is called Kalgi and the other is called Turra Dal. Both parties consist of singers, songwriters, and fellow performer s along with musical instruments. T here is a competition between the two parties whereby they continuously present their best song to outdo the other. The tradition started in the prid